Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Public Iris Scanning Device In the Works

From Slashdot by kdawson

Nonfinity writes "A public iris scanning device has been proposed in a patent application from Sarnoff Labs in New Jersey. The device is able to scan the iris of the eye without the knowledge or consent of the person being scanned. The device uses multiple cameras, captures multiple images, and then selects the best image to process."

Blogger's Note: I don't know about everyone else but it sure seems like a violation of a person's rights and personal space if these scans can occur without a person's knowledge or consent. what if they make a mistake? Are they going to go around and arrest people because they think they got a positive match on a bad guy from an eye scan that came from across the room?

Intel prepping x86-based system-on-a-chip

From Engadget by Donald Melanson

Intel may have sold its mobile chip unit to Marvell, but it seems that the company hasn't entirely given up on the mobile biz, with the company recently detailing plans for an x86-based system-on-a-chip. According to HKEPC Hardware, the so-called 'Tolapai' unit will be based on Pentium M architecture, and pack 256KB of L2 cache and support for DDR 2 memory, along with a full compliment of integrated connectivity options, including PCI Express, USB, SATA, Gigabit Ethernet, RS-232 and a cellular link, among other goodies. The initial lineup will apparently come in 600, 1,066 and 1,200MHz varieties to start with, boasting a power consumption of 13-22W, and support for Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows XP Embedded on the OS front. While Intel will first be aiming the system-on-a-chip at embedded applications, as Reg Hardware speculates, it would seem to be just as applicable to handhelds and other mobile devices in need of a little more power. What's not so clear, unfortunately, is when we might actually see a device running on the thing, although the system-on-a-chip itself will supposedly be ready by the end of the year.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Welcome to TechnologyGab - Tech Blog

Technology is all around us. In fact there is so much technology that its often difficult to keep up with. I'm a tech guy by day and find it difficult to stay on top of my little part of the world. With all this technology running around, one has to wonder, does that stuff really work, or is it really worth a can of beans? Enter TechnologyGab Tech Blog. We will attempt to explore and evaluate objectively a number of products and services in the technology sector and report back to you whether or not they are worth your time and money.

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