Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Welcome to TechnologyGab - Tech Blog

Technology is all around us. In fact there is so much technology that its often difficult to keep up with. I'm a tech guy by day and find it difficult to stay on top of my little part of the world. With all this technology running around, one has to wonder, does that stuff really work, or is it really worth a can of beans? Enter TechnologyGab Tech Blog. We will attempt to explore and evaluate objectively a number of products and services in the technology sector and report back to you whether or not they are worth your time and money.

This site is a community site so please feel free to leave comments about any article you choose. If you'd like to contribute to this site as an author, please email us at MarcsBlogs@Gmail.com with the subject of TechnologyGab contributor.

If you are the creator of a product or service that you'd like evaluated objectively, please also email us at MarcsBlogs@Gmail.com with a subject of TechnologyGab Product Eval.

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